Brother actually prefers winter time in Ukraine

Brother actually prefers winter time in Ukraine

Every few weeks my sibling and I try to get in touch with each other over Facebook Messenger.

  • My associate and I make a phone call over the internet and chat for a few hours to keep up with each other’s lives.

It’s difficult, because my buddy and I have a significant time change to deal with. You see, my sibling has been living in Ukraine for the past two years now. He honestly enjoys it there because he is a little American casanova to all these attractive Ukrainian ladies. My associate and I were talking about the current global environment and our respective outdoor weather conditionss. It turns out, he has pretty similar air rapidly changing temperatures to the region where I live right now. As much as I am enjoying the moderate in the Springtime air, he said that he’s dreading it. He actually wished it was winter time again and didn’t want to guess about the coming summer time season. At first, I didn’t understand how he could feel that way, living in Ukraine and all. But he was gleeful to explain. Apparently, Ukrainians feel differently about air conditioner than my buddy and I do. It is extremely unrespected for them to have air conditioner in their homes or in their public buildings. The air quality control technology simply isn’thonestly affordable or necessary there. This means, my sibling sits in his boiling home all summer time while the sun streams in from the south and creates a sauna. In the winter, however, Ukrainians actually prefer their heating systems. My sibling’s apartment owner takes honestly great care of the aged boiler system in the basement, and he has endless heat in his apartment. When it comes to my sibling’s air temperature preferences, it turns out that they are largely based on the comfort for entertaining attractive guests at his apartment.


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